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Showing posts from May, 2016

Big Dreams? Seem Impossible?

 Do you have any dreams  or passions in life ?  Do they seem really out there, do they look like they're unattainable, do you not know where to begin ?  I do too. I have dreams and passions that actually seems scary because there's been some opposition in my life that even seem to go against them  or they almost seem impossible .  Good news though, if you have dreams and passions they were placed with in you from the creator himself !  All things are possible with Him who strengthens you.  If they seem unattainable ,far-fetched, scary then you're in the right place because God chose to do this life with you not apart from you.  If your dreams and passions aren't big enough ( downright  scary or seemingly impossible) then they probably aren't from God or part of your calling . Deep calls into deep.  He is our strength to make things possible, He helps you to fly with wings like eagles, and He chose to live inside of you to be your he...