Many people ask me "How do you do it?" "I don't know" is usually my first answer followed by "one day at a time". Honestly, when it comes to raising my children, I do know that it was put on my heart to have each of them and I love each of them very much. But yes there are many days I raise the question myself and have wondered if I'm just plain crazy. Believe me, I am not a supermom, nor do I ever pretend to be. I have so many downfalls and weaknesses. I don't get everything done everyday. My list of what I'd like to do is always longer than what actually gets done. NO, I do not have a lot of patience (as everyone seems to think I must), quite the contrary! I think it is one of the hardest things to learn and get self control and believe me, I daily feel like I'm failing at it. I need to remind myself of 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, but my power is made perfect in weakness". Thank God for...
Blogging about life .I'm a child of the Most High. Writing about the LOVE of the Heavenly Father and the FINISHED works of the cross; also life's ups and downs, sorrows and joys, and faith in the midst of trials. I am raising a large blended family. I am the mother of 5 biological children.