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The breaking of dawn

Have you ever woken up and for that first brief minute you're trying to do a reality check? Whether you're trying to discipher a dream from conscience or the "which day is it" thought, or a reality check?
Sometimes there's that brief moment of confusion as the transition from sleep to being awake. As I awoke this morning I was thinking "how did I end up here"?  Have you ever had dreams for your life and wondered the same thing? When your  life doesn't seem to line up with those dreams you have or had. Many factors play into  a persons  life. We are all connected to many people, and each person has free will to choose each day what they say to someone, what they do, if they  connect or disconnect from people, etc. Remember the movie Butterfly Effect? Where the main character was able to go back in time through his journal and change even just one moment in time and how that one simple change altered not only his life but everybody else's life. And he found himself repeatedly trying to go back and change something else because the outcome of either his life or somebody else's life so drastically changed and he kept trying to go back so that it would be better.
That's how much  one simple moment can effect or even change a persons life or somebody else's or take you down another path. I find myself in that kind of position. Where you can see where moments like that have turned your life down this other path even though it wasn't the one that you were pursuing. Not that you can go back into the past through a journal or through a dream to be able to alter a moment in history, even though you may wish you could, but you wonder if one simple moment was the critical moment that would alter the rest of your life. And alter others as well.
One of my dreams is that I would continue to grow in my walk with the Lord with his mandated mission of bringing heaven here to earth, that my family would walk in unity and love and forgiveness and authority and power. I have a dream of spreading the gospel of his good news and his love to those I meet and those around me and into the whole world. I have a dream of seeing people who are broken hearted turn to the Lord as their Savior and find peace love and acceptance.  I had a dream of raising a large family. I have dreams of traveling the world of being a missionary and helping others.
There are certain things that I never wanted for my life, statistics that I did not want to be part of. I didn't want to be a teenage mother but I was one .I didn't want to be a person who lives off of food stamps from the government but I have many times. I didn't want to be a single mother but I have been many times. And I never wanted my marriage to end in divorce yet here we are in the process of divorce. I never wanted to see my family separated and living under different roofs yet that's how things are at this moment. I never wanted to have a teenage son who decides to turn their heart away from you yet that's is the reality at this moment. Last night as I went to bed it felt so unreal and confusing as I went to bed by myself again my baby daughter was sleeping in her room, my teenage sons room was empty again as he is currently with his biological father because of his own choice, and my three little boys were also away for the night spending time with their father. And thinking how did life and up like this?
Now I know it's not like life is going to stay like this but there are parts of it that are forever changed and you can't go back and alter it. Life isn't static it's always moving always changing. People have free will and are able to make many new choices each day. Each day we choose to walk in fear or faith and love, we choose to walk in unforgiveness and bitterness's or we choose to let go and forgive, we choose what clothes we wear, we choose which way we drive to work, we choose who we might call that day, we choose what we're going to eat that day. A series of events a series of simple choices big and small. Yet we are all interconnected and sometimes those choices have effects on other people big or small.
Now I'm not saying that those dreams that I had are completely gone. Some of those dreams I will never stop dreaming like seeing my family walk in unity love and his power. But obviously that's going to look  different now as my husband and I won't be doing that as a team in a marriage.  My dream of being able to stay home with my children and raise them is being altered in ways.
But through it all I know God's Word says that he has a good plan and purpose for my life and for my children's life and that it's for good and not for evil. And his word also says that he can work all things for good, which means even all those parts of life that have been hurtful and painful or not lining up with your dreams, he can use every bit of it even for my good still.  Gods word says that he directs my path so even if all these other people and other factors can change my course and direct me on that path God still will direct my footsteps through it all he knows the way because he is the way. I believe he knows my dreams even better than I do because I believe there are dreams that I have because he has given them to me. There  are certain desires of my heart I have because he is placed it in me and instilled in me. It doesn't mean that if our reality and life doesn't look like the dreams that we have that they aren't worth pursuing or that they're not the right direction and path . He never promised that there wouldn't be conflict or opposition in life ,he promised that he would always be there for us even through it .There are storms in this life but he is there through it, he is there to lead us ,he is there to comfort us. There is an enemy who doesn't want to see us walking in our identity walking in our dreams and following God. And he does whatever he can to make sure that that doesn't happen but we don't dwell on that. We dwell on he who is living in us is greater then the enemy in the world. We keep those dreams as our focus and follow him because he is the way and he will lead us even if things seem to be off course he will use it all on our journey. My dreams aren't dead they are alive and well. Parts of them may change in ways we don't understand. But just like the song goes don't stop believing. Just as the sun rises and the dawn breaks through the darkness of night so does his light in this world and his light in us. We just keep walking the path and he will lead us through it all. He is the light and the lamp for our footsteps. He is the truth, especially in those moments of the reality checks and transitions of life and confusion. He is the one constant in life the one who doesn't change the same yesterday today and forever. Glory to God!


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