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Showing posts from September, 2015

Are you facing trials?

Are you going through trials, storms,confusion, hopelessness, feeling lonely or despair?  Trust me I've been there. In the pits where it's so dark that LIFE and JOY gets choked out. My spirit and mind have been through battles, wrestling thoughts and what was going on in life with the word of God and His promises.  There were days I thought maybe I lost my faith. Maybe God abandoned me just as others have, but I refused to stay in that frame of mind. I declared the word of God over every specific area. I know that my God is not a liar and His word says He is faithful.  Maybe I was believing a lie? Did a lie get rooted from experiences I was having in life that didn't line up with the beauty of an abundant life that is supposed to be my inheritance? Was I simply not trusting in my God who created me and knew me even before the foundation of earth was laid, the one who knows the beginning from the end and perfectly knitted me together? Was I giving into fear or doub...

Our words are powerful!

maybe life is not about what you hold onto but about what you let go of".

I don't remember where I heard this quote, " maybe life is not about what you hold onto but about what you let go of". I don't remember if it was on a movie, a tv show? But I heard it last week and it keeps replaying on my mind. There is so many ways this quote has meaning in my own life. I have been focusing on the latter part of the quote and wondering what are some things that I could let go of that would increase my quality of life for myself or family. Certainly many of us could find regrets to let go of, or hurts, relationships, habits, routines, and activities. I can truly see  holding onto anger or grudges instead of letting those go would decrease quality of life. Are there areas personally that I'm holding onto trying to grip, where I should be letting go? How about letting go of old mindsets and perspectives? Letting go of fear? Letting go of others opinions and judgements? Letting go of  shame, disgrace, and condemnation of yourself or of othe...