Are you going through trials, storms,confusion, hopelessness, feeling lonely or despair?
Trust me I've been there. In the pits where it's so dark that LIFE and JOY gets choked out. My spirit and mind have been through battles, wrestling thoughts and what was going on in life with the word of God and His promises.
There were days I thought maybe I lost my faith. Maybe God abandoned me just as others have, but I refused to stay in that frame of mind. I declared the word of God over every specific area. I know that my God is not a liar and His word says He is faithful.
Maybe I was believing a lie? Did a lie get rooted from experiences I was having in life that didn't line up with the beauty of an abundant life that is supposed to be my inheritance? Was I simply not trusting in my God who created me and knew me even before the foundation of earth was laid, the one who knows the beginning from the end and perfectly knitted me together? Was I giving into fear or doubt?
I had a choice to make. Either I could be consumed by the horrible feelings and be paralyzed by what was going on around me and just give up OR continue to HOPE and stand on the word of God; the inheritance that Jesus Christ died for so I could receive, and anchor my hope in Him and trust that He is good and that He has good plans for me.
Did you know that there are about 3,000 promises in the bible for you. Search them out and speak them over yourself throughout the day and especially when some negative thought comes, cast it down immediately and replace it with the word. The word is life, the word creates and makes things new. He is the way the truth and the life. Though the mountains crumble I am not shaken, though 10,000 fall at my side is am untouched. He avenges for me, everlasting joy is my inheritance instead of shame or disgrace. His perfect love cast out fear, we do not need to worry or be afraid of anything, but instead be prayer and thanksgiving. We are not alone! He never leaves us or forsakes us!
Physically He doesn't leave and emotionally He doesn't leave. He cares about all your cares. He draws near to His children, so close that He chose to live in you! He is but a breath away. If you can ,in the midst of trials and storms, find the peace that He gives it makes the mountain tops with Him that much better!
Did you know that hope is only hope when it can not see the way out! There is no such thing as false hope! If we hope for something that we can SEE, then it's not hope. Anchor hope so you are not tossed around and have a mind that wavers to and fro. Enduring trials produces character, strengthens you, and makes you a believer who is not lukewarm! Receive His love for you, until it overflows. My cup runs over! He is everything we need. He is the answer to everything. He gives freely and never runs out of supply because He is the supply! Delve into His love, His word, search Him out, find out what are His promises for you, find out who He has called you to be (not who you strive to be,but literally who you are!). You are chosen, a child of promise, seated at the right hand of Christ in heavenly places, you carry His glory, you are loved, forgiven, set apart and set free, you are the apple of His eye, the pearl of greatest price, you are worthy to be loved, you are the head and not the tail, a child of God and not His worker, you are victorious, more than an overcomer, you hold authority, you have power and a sound mind. Just as a child studies their father, study your Heavenly Father. You will find out so much about yourself. You will see that He is love,He is kind and patient and lays down His own life so you can have an abundant one. I don't want to live for anything less than what Jesus Christ paid for!
Trust me I've been there. In the pits where it's so dark that LIFE and JOY gets choked out. My spirit and mind have been through battles, wrestling thoughts and what was going on in life with the word of God and His promises.
There were days I thought maybe I lost my faith. Maybe God abandoned me just as others have, but I refused to stay in that frame of mind. I declared the word of God over every specific area. I know that my God is not a liar and His word says He is faithful.
Maybe I was believing a lie? Did a lie get rooted from experiences I was having in life that didn't line up with the beauty of an abundant life that is supposed to be my inheritance? Was I simply not trusting in my God who created me and knew me even before the foundation of earth was laid, the one who knows the beginning from the end and perfectly knitted me together? Was I giving into fear or doubt?
I had a choice to make. Either I could be consumed by the horrible feelings and be paralyzed by what was going on around me and just give up OR continue to HOPE and stand on the word of God; the inheritance that Jesus Christ died for so I could receive, and anchor my hope in Him and trust that He is good and that He has good plans for me.
Did you know that there are about 3,000 promises in the bible for you. Search them out and speak them over yourself throughout the day and especially when some negative thought comes, cast it down immediately and replace it with the word. The word is life, the word creates and makes things new. He is the way the truth and the life. Though the mountains crumble I am not shaken, though 10,000 fall at my side is am untouched. He avenges for me, everlasting joy is my inheritance instead of shame or disgrace. His perfect love cast out fear, we do not need to worry or be afraid of anything, but instead be prayer and thanksgiving. We are not alone! He never leaves us or forsakes us!
Physically He doesn't leave and emotionally He doesn't leave. He cares about all your cares. He draws near to His children, so close that He chose to live in you! He is but a breath away. If you can ,in the midst of trials and storms, find the peace that He gives it makes the mountain tops with Him that much better!
Did you know that hope is only hope when it can not see the way out! There is no such thing as false hope! If we hope for something that we can SEE, then it's not hope. Anchor hope so you are not tossed around and have a mind that wavers to and fro. Enduring trials produces character, strengthens you, and makes you a believer who is not lukewarm! Receive His love for you, until it overflows. My cup runs over! He is everything we need. He is the answer to everything. He gives freely and never runs out of supply because He is the supply! Delve into His love, His word, search Him out, find out what are His promises for you, find out who He has called you to be (not who you strive to be,but literally who you are!). You are chosen, a child of promise, seated at the right hand of Christ in heavenly places, you carry His glory, you are loved, forgiven, set apart and set free, you are the apple of His eye, the pearl of greatest price, you are worthy to be loved, you are the head and not the tail, a child of God and not His worker, you are victorious, more than an overcomer, you hold authority, you have power and a sound mind. Just as a child studies their father, study your Heavenly Father. You will find out so much about yourself. You will see that He is love,He is kind and patient and lays down His own life so you can have an abundant one. I don't want to live for anything less than what Jesus Christ paid for!
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