How can you be a light unto the world if you seclude yourself from it and people? So what if someone's posts something that you don't agree with or is critical (please stop regulating your Facebook). Also, do what if people or family are alcoholics, have differing view points, use angry words, made mistakes, or whatever the case. How will the world ever see light, hope and love if the ones who believe He loved us first so we can love, shut them out!? How can you minister to the hurting if you pick up an offense. Maybe your judging them for the very same thing that's missing in you... The lack of awareness of the depths of His love and mercy! Walk a mile in His shoes... It will carry you throughout the world
There are over 3,000 promises in the bible God has declared for us. So much about who we are and what He has for us can be found there. I've been through so many trials over a number of years, and without learning about who He says I am and what some of His plans are for me, I may not have made it so far and still have a positive view. Even though storms may be around still, I have to train my mind to be obedient to truth. Here are some scriptual declarations that I pray over myself, and pray for others, or speak out loud as soon as I have a thought or feeling that is negative or the opposite. I encourage you to seek them out in the bible as well. I am a child of God. He is for me, who can be against me? He ,who is in me, is greater than he who is in the world. I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath I am a saint, not a sinner. I am righteous by faith. I am seated in heavenly places. He lifts me up out of the miry clay and sets me upon His rock. H...
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