Do you know how pleased the Father is with you? He delights in you. You cannot earn his love and affection! Zephaniah 3:17 says the Lord your God is with you he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing! Take peace of mind today that you are deeply loved, unconditionally and that the father dotes on you, that you have captured his heart and he smiles when he thinks of you❤️. It does not matter anymore if you did not have an earthly father who loved you, doted on you, and took great delight in you. If you struggle to find acceptance in your relationships, if you feel like you have to constantly "do" in order to please people and earn their love and affection, if people have abandoned you,mistreated you, etc. Grab hold of the truth that you cannot be any more loved than you already are, you are more than accepted... you are affirmed as his daughter in whom he delights so much that it causes hi...
A word of caution and understanding. Please take the time to read my heart. You've perhaps been on one of these sides. Do you know how many times I've been asked "where are your kids" when seen without them? To which my response is, "they're with their dad today/this weekend". OK, NO BIG DEAL, right. But then comes the dreaded comments... "Wow,that must be so nice" or "aren't you lucky", "oh,what I would do with free time", and other comments in which I force a smile to save embarrassing you as I can see it probably comes from a bit of exhaustion and having a lot on your plate with a tad bit of jealousy. Let me be straight with you. I am not having it easier than you! My new season of my children having time with their father is NOT me living up a life that looks like freedom in comparison. It hurts! I honestly hurt that I now have to share time and days with their parent because of a divorce. Like today for in...